You can purchase the files
about our Gps Offroad Tracks in the province of Siena in a comfortable
way with credit card trough Paypal, in a very sure way. If you
have a Paypal account you can pay directly with your balance
and it's not necessary to give your credit card's details. If you don't
trust in theese tecnologies you can purchase the tracks semply with
a bank transfer on our personal bank account. Each Gps track
costs 6 euro. Here below you can select your favourite way of
payment, then you can click on the image. If you decide to fill in the
Paypal payment form, remember to insert the quantity of tracks you need
in the correct pigeon-hole and then to click on "Aggiorna importi
totali" (update the total amount). Remember also to tell us,
writing on the form or by an E-mail,
the numbers of code of each track you need. Otherwise, if you prefere
to receive all the 30 files together inside the CD-Gps Utility Siena
Offroad Tracks Click
Important: Please
download before the demo file at page informations
and requirements, open it with Mapsource or with your favourite
program, then transfer the track on your Gps. If everything works well,
it means that all the files about the tracks are absolutely compatible
with your Gps. Otherwise, it means that they are not compatible and
it's useless to proceed. For the page of informations and requirements
Click here.
If everything works well, you can proceed with the payment. We recommend
you once again to make all the verifies, because for practical reasons
we cannot give you back the money you wil pay us.