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Inside our web site we sell some our products, born by our trip's experiences around the world. You will find some Diaries inside which you will find our trip's history with lots of interesting details and useful informations, a DVD with all the images about our trip and a CD-Gps Utility that will help you to travel with more stillness in remore and wild areas. If you are preparing a tour like ours, theese products can really help you. They can give you detailed and deepened informations, specially studyed for who travels "offroad" and camps in the middle of desert areas. Theese informations are subdivided stage by stage, with indicated the kind of road you find and with Gps tracks and maps. We don't want to sin of modesty, but we think that it's very difficult for you to find inside famous guides as Lonely Planet theese kind of informations... It's really for this reason that we decided to create theese utilities, to help most of all who travels along deserts and in remote and wild areas with offroad vehicles. You can purchase our products comfortably with credit card trough Paypal, in a very simple and sure way. If you have a Paypal account you can pay us directly with your balance and it's not necessary to give your credit card's detalis. If you don't trust in theese tecnologies, you can pay us simply with a bank transfer on our personal bank account. Here below you can find our now available products.

LIBRO - Una vita Fuoristrada - Offroad lifestyle - La nostra Biografia
Viaggi Enduro a tappe - Lunghi Percorsi Gps Fuoristrada - Pacchetti Turistici Offroad
Percorsi Fuoristrada Provinciali - CD Gps Utility
Punti e Percorsi Gps - Cartografie Gps / Varie zone del Pianeta
Prodotti disponibili gratuitamente o vecchi prodotti
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